
Friday, June 18, 2010

An Amazing Night

Last night, Robert and I met the kids for the first time! It was amazing! We had prayed that God would make it clear what we should do, either yes or no. We both felt Him saying a resounding YES! Neither one of us wanted to leave, we both were ready to take them home that night and both are anxiously anticipating our next visit. They are the sweetest kids, very loving and full of life! M, the oldest, colored a picture for me, which lead to B, the middle child following suit. We got high fives and A, the youngest, blew kisses when we left.

So, now begins the flurry of preparations. Making sure we have everything we need to care for these sweet children. We continue to covet your prayers through this whole process.


  1. Praying for you guys. Please keep us up to date.

  2. our prayers are with you as you prepare in all aspects of life.
