
Thursday, November 5, 2009

One Small Step

Well, we have moved one small step closer to the ultimate goal. This week we received a phone call from our local DFCS agency and they have accepted out initial application. We will start training with them next Tuesday night and will continue for the next 7 or 8 weeks. Once we finish training, we can go through our final approval. After that it is possible for us to adopt or foster-to-adopt children through DFCS. We can still go through an agency if we decide to at that point. We are both excited and anxious about the process.

Early in this process, God showed me a verse that I now hold to, knowing that He has a child or children already chosen for us and that in His timing He will give them to us. The verse is "We prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted what we asked of Him." 1 Samuel 1:27. I have made that verse my "theme verse" for this adoption process. I know that He is in control over this whole process and He will maintain control even when I am discouraged and want to try and take over.

I think about close friends who have gone through this process. I was recently reminded of how God knows exactly what He is doing and how He has these children handpicked for their families. My friends, who waited so long for sweet little Hannah. They just celebrated one year with her. She fits in so well with that family that it is hard to think of her coming from anyone else. She has a vibrant, leader of the pack personality just like one of her big brothers. I look at families in my practice who have adopted and it is obvious that they were knit together by God. So, I hold on knowing that in His timing He will bring the child or children into our family that He has picked out for us.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ups and Downs

Sorry that it has been awhile since the last posting. We have been so busy with stuff. Well, we have very quickly learned the ups and downs of the adoption process, almost coming right out of the gates. We have had two possibilities that have come up and then taken away since my last post. I still wonder sometimes why God brings these up only to take them away, but I am learning to accept them as part of the process and trusting that He has a child (or children) out there for us.
One thing that has come from all of this is that we did go to our local Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS) and talked to them. We have since gone to orientation and will begin training for the possibilty of adoption or foster-to-adopt through them. We can have our training and home study through them and if we then decide to go through and agency we can and will will have all of our stuff ready.
So, we continue to ask for your prayers as we go through this. Pray that we will be trusting in what God is doing, even in the down times and that we will always seek His guidance. Also, pray for that little one that will someday be ours!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A New Phase for the Madon Family

Well, we have officially entered the world of blogging. I am not sure how often I will keep this up to date, but I will do my best. Robert and I have been married for just over a year and are ready to enter the next phase of our lives together. We have exciting news for our family and friends, we are starting the process of adoption. We have come to this decision after prayer, discussion and advice from friends who have been through the process.

Some of you might be wondering, why adopt? We are very blessed to have Nicholas, my stepson in our lives. He is such a joy and a lot of fun. We want to add to that joy with another child. We have spent a lot of time discussing how and when we would have children. Adoption is something that has always been on my heart and in April, God really placed it on my heart that it was the way to go. I told Robert about it that night and he then began doing research on the many different ways to adopt. We have spent the last few months researching, talking with each other and with friends of ours who have adopted trying to decide the best option for us. A little over a week ago, I felt God impressing on my heart that it was time to start the process. When I began to tell Robert, he said that he was about to tell me the same thing! That is just one example of the ways He has been showing us that we are making the right step.

So, now begins the daunting task of beginning the process. We have decided to go through an agency and we will be doing a domestic adoption. Our prayer is to be able to adopt a baby girl or boy. So, your task as our family and friends is to pray for us as we go through this process. It will not be a short process and it will involve a lot of paperwork and patience. I will do my best to periodically update this website to keep everyone up to date.